Men's Unlimited Fall Season
Queens Alliance Fall Season Rules : Men's Unlimited
1. Games are played under major league rules with a DH for the current pitcher only.
1a. No catchers Balk
1b. No penalty for pitcher going to his mouth (notto be abused)
1c. No barreling into the catcher or any other player
1d. A courtesy runner is allowed for 1 player per game only. Unless there is an injury - in which case you will be allowed to use another runner for the injured player. A player not in the game first, then its the last batted out (not to be confused with a last out..
i.e. caught stealing, picked off etc.) It is strictly prohibited to fake an injury to take advantage of this rule.
2. Single games are 9 innings, with 5 complete innings being official.
2a. Mercy rule is 15 runs after 5 innings or 12 runs after 7 innings
2b. Drop dead time is 3 Hours 15 minutes from start of game (Might Change)
2c. If time is reached during an at-bat, the player will be allowed to finish.
3. Doubleheaders are 7 innings each
3a. Mercy rule is 15 runs after 4 innings or 12 runs after 5 innings
3b. No inning is allowed to start after 2 Hours 45 Minutes from start of game
4. Forfeit time is 20 minutes from scheduled game time (1 game)
*Doubleheaders - forfeit time is 20 minutes (1st game) & 15 minutes (2nd game)
5. Runner for the catcher is mandatory with 2 outs only.
A player not in the game first, then its the last batted out (not to be confused with a last out..
i.e. caught stealing, picked off etc.)
6. A team is allowed to start the game with 8 players without an automatic out
6a. They can add a 9th player until the end of the 3rd inning.
6b. If the 9th player shows up before his bat is due, the player can resume his original spot in the batting order - otherwise the batting order is moved up and rule #6 is applied.
6c. If the 9th player shows up after his spot in the batting order has been skipped, they get added to the end of the batting order.
7. If a team starts a game with 8 players and one gets injured, has to leave or gets thrown out the game - the team then forfeits.
8. If a team starts a game with 9 players and one gets injured, they can finish the game with 8 players without an automatic out.
8a. If the player is thrown out the game, then his spot in the lineup becomes an automatic out for the remainder of that game.
9. A team may use an EH (extra hitter).
9a. If a player gets thrown out the game or gets hurt and the team does not have a
replacement, the EH in the lineup then becomes an automatic out.
9b. An EH can be used to play the field - in which case the position player being switched with or a player off the bench then becomes the EH.
9c. Once a player gets switched from being the EH; they may not return as the EH for the remainder of the game.
10. Under no circumstances can a team play with 7 players. No exceptions.
11. A player who gets tossed out of a game, will sit during their following team game - regardless of when that game takes place (i.e. same day or a week later)
11a. If a players gets tossed out for a 2nd time during the season, they will sit the following 2 team games and will not be allowed to return until a $25 fine is paid to the league.
11b. If a player gets tossed out for a 3rd time during the season, it will go to the review board - in which case they could face suspension for the remainder of the season, including playoffs.
12. If a manager gets tossed out of a game, they are allowed to manage the following game.
12a. If a player/manager gets tossed out of a game, they are allowed to play & manage the following game unless under the discretion on the umpires, the player/manager abusive. In which case the player/manager can ONLY manage but be quiet.
12b. Any fighting or threatening of an umpire, will result in a immediate suspension and will go to the review board.
12c. If a player is arguing a call on the field with a bat in hand, DROP THE BAT or they will receive an immediate game suspension.
13. Both teams are responsible for getting the field in shape
13a. If both managers cannot agree on whether a game can be played due to the weather or field conditions - then the umpires get to decide.
*Managers decide 1st before leaving the decision up to the Umpires.
14. If a game cannot be played because of weather or field conditions; each umpire will receive a travel fee of $30. Each team pays half of the total travel fee.
14a. If there is only 1 umpire, then each team pays only $15 towards the travel fee.
15. The assigned home team is responsible for the bases, pitching rubber and setting up them up. If the assigned home team does not have the bases then the other team becomes the home team.
16. A re-entry is allowed (only once) for any starter who was substituted for during the game. However, they can only return for the same player who orginally replaced him and to the same position in the batting order.
*Does not apply to DH or EH. See rule 9c.
17. A player must play in a minimum of 5 games to qualify for the playoffs.
17a. A pitcher must pitch in a minimum of 4 games to qualify for the playoffs.
17b. In the event that teams play less than the minimum amount of games required during the season, a player must play in at least 1/2 the season games to qualify for the playoffs.
18. All teams are recommended to give the opposing team the full name of the players being used - In order to avoid any issues regarding player eligibilty for the playoffs.
19. All protests must be made within 48 hours of the game played and be filed with a $25 non-refundable fee.
20. All players must be in a baseball uniform (team jersey) while playing in any game. No 2 players are allowed to have the same number. Lets look like a team.
21. Any fighting will result in an immediate forfeit and a board review suspension or dismissal from the league for either the team(s) or player(s) involved.
** Lets make this a fun, fair and enjoyable season for all teams in our league *